"Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity"
Michael S. Burke, MD, ABFM
Provider: Board Certified in Family Practice. Florida Medical License.
Practice: Burke Family Medicine P.A.
Physician owned. Physician operated. Patient oriented.
Address: 2623 S Seacrest BLVD
Suite # 106
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Phone: 561 501 1633
Please note: a person (not a machine) will answer your phone call. If the line is busy, leave a message. You can also text the office number (it is a VOIP line). We answer 88% of our phone calls based on google analytics.
Fax: 833-973-4613
Dr Michael Burke is a Board Certified Family Practice Physician. Originally born and raised in South Florida, he received his Bachelor of Science at the University of Florida. He continued his studies at the University of Miami with Post Baccalaureate research in Microbiology and Immunology before completing medical school at St George's University, School of Medicine in 2007.
Dr Burke completed an ACGME Family Medicine Residency at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, UMDNJ (now Rutgers) and an ACGME Internship in General Surgery at New York Medical College (Sound Shore). He lived in New York City for 10 years until 2013 when he returned home to South Florida where his parents, brother and other family members live.
He brings a thorough knowledge of Family Practice and is very excited to be home in South Florida again. In his practice, he treats a wide variety of illnesses and helps his patients manage various health issues, including high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, thyroid disorders, preventive health, and more. His main focus is to encourage preventive care to keep his patients healthy. He believes in treating patients as a whole.
Dr Burke also enjoys educating future doctors and has an appointment as an Affiliate Associate Professor at Florida Atlantic University Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine. His commitment to teaching medical students and residents has been recognized by several awards, including:
2019 Florida Academy of Family Physicians Exemplary Volunteer Educator Award. (A statewide award given to only one FP doctor per year)
2015 Community and Preventive Medicine Preceptor of the Year Award. Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine, Florida Atlantic University
2013 Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, Resident Teacher Award.
During his free time Dr Burke enjoys spending time with his family, He also enjoys traveling and experiencing new cultures. He has traveled to over 40 different countries. Including living in 4 different countries and practicing medicine in 4 different countries.